Nose and Sinus

At the Dagan MD we provide unparalleled care to our patients who present with nose and sinus related complaints. We strive to combine knowledge, skill, training, and experience with advanced technology.

We promise to make every effort to personalize your care and give you the special treatment you deserve. The old “take a number and have a seat” attitude has no place in your health care. You deserve better. See for yourself at The Dagan MD Nose & Sinus Center.

This site provides information for those suffering from problems of the nose and sinuses, including Deviated Septum, nasal obstruction, enlarged or hypertrophic turbinates (see below), allergies, Nasal Blockage, Congestion or Stuffy Nose, Recurring sinus infection, or sinusitis, Drainage in the nose and throat, Sinus Headaches and Facial Pain, Diminished Sense of Smell, Snoring, and other Nose and Sinus-related problems. Information is also provided for those patients with Cosmetic Nasal complaints.

The newest minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of recurring and chronic sinusitis is now available in New York City is called Balloon sinuplasty. Dr. Tal Dagan is one of the first surgeons who introduced this procedure in New York city and performs these procedures under local anesthetic in the office. Follow this link to learn more.


The end of a Runny nose 

Do you feel that your nose runs like a faucet non-stop? You’ve tried all the nasal sprays, nettipot, saline washes and rinses, antihistamines, decongestants, cold medicine, nyquil, dayquil, benadryl and nothing works. Now, at Dagan MD we offer the newest innovation, a non-surgical procedure that helps to dial down the amount of nasal discharge to literally turn off the faucet and dry up your nose. Clear your medicine cabinet and get ready for cryotherapy, the use of cold therapy to effectively reset nasal discharge under local anesthetic in our office.

After topical numbing and local anesthetic instilled inside your nose, Dr. Tal Dagan inserts a thin probe while looking into the nose with a special video camera. At the end of the probe is a small balloon that inflates with liquid nitrogen. The balloon cools down to -70 degress and interrupts the signals from the nerves that make the nose run to reduce your runny, stuffy nose symptoms. The whole procedure takes 15 minutes in the office with no downtime. You can expect to see results within 2-3 weeks.

Call Dagan MD NYC today to find out if you are a candidate.


Dr. Tal Dagan treats runny noses without surgery - office procedure in midtown Manhattan
Before the nasal nerve super cooling procedure (cryotherapy)
Dr. Tal Dagan is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon with extensive experience in nose and sinus surgery
During the cryotherapy procedure – the device is placed inside the nose
The appearance of the nasal nerves after the procedure and a dry nose








Nasal Obstruction made Simple

Do you feel like you constantly need to widen your nostrils in order to get a deep breath in? If you are buying breatherite strips from the pharmacy and get relief there is a more permanent solution which is minimally invasive and can be performed under local anesthetic. Dr. Tal Dagan performs a state of the art procedure under local anesthetic in our Dagan MD NYC office in midtown Manhattan. A slender absorbable implant is used which contains the same material absorbable stitches are made of. The tiny little rod is advanced over the interface of the lower and upper cartilages of the side of the nose which have an inherent weakness where they come together. It finally rests over the nasal bone for support. The implant provides the strength to prevent the collapse of the side of the nose which obstructs your nasal breathing, this is called nasal valve collapse. The implant is produced by a company called Latera. Clinical studies of LAtera have demonstrated a reduction in nasal congestion and stuffiness, less trouble breathing through the nose, improved ability to get enough air through the nose during exercise or exertion, reduced nasal blockage or obstruction and less trouble sleeping.

To know if you are a candidate try the cottle test in the video below. If you pull your nostrils to the side, assess if you feel an improvement in your nasal breathing when you take a sniff in. You can also gently place the stick end of a cotton applicator right on the inside of the nostril and gently pull the skin outward to see if you breathe better which is another indication you may have a nasal valve obstruction. If you do, please make an appointment with Dr. Tal Dagan to see if you can shed those breatherite strips and breathe free through your nose.

The latera procedure does not change the shape of the nose although results may vary, in most cases the relief is immediate after the procedure. Expect some minimal discomfort for 1-2 days after the procedure. You will be able to feel the implant underneath the surface although it is not likely to be visible.

  • 9 out of 10 patients are satisfied with their nasal breathing after the procedure
  • 9 out of 10 patients are satisfied with the appearance of their nose after the procedure as well.

Deviated Nasal Septum

The nasal septum is another name for the wall that separates right from left inside our nose. The majority of the front part of the septum is composed of cartilage and the backend of the septum is bony. This wall extends from the floor to the ceiling and provides both the partition of the nose as well as the support for the structural integrity of the outside of the nose alongside the nasal bones. When we are born, the nasal septum and our nose are small and pudgy which is why babies have such cute little button noses. But as we develop, the nose elongates and grows out off of our face. This process ideally occurs in a disc like expansion until our nose reaches its adult size around the age of 15. Since the growth of the nose is dependent on the septum and the growth center in its midst, we do not perform rhinoplasty or nose jobs until this age. As the septum expands to its final destination there is a possibility that it can develop a curvature or deformity to either one side or even in a wavy type of formation to create the shape of an S.

If this happens and depending on the severity of the deviation of the septum it can obstruct one side or both sides of the nasal breathing (the nasal airway). You can easily test to see if you may have a deviated septum by occluding one nostril and breathing through it and then comparing it to the other side. Very commonly if one side breathes significantly better than the other there is a good chance it is caused by a septal deviation.


Enlarged Hypertrophic Turbinates (Turbinate Hypetrophy)

Turbinates are shelf like structures that run the length of the nose along its the sides. The turbinates provide the engine behind the important function of the nose as our body’s air conditioner. The turbinates are expansile structures that contain caverns of blood vessels that have the capability of expanding and depleting blood relatively quickly. The blood that is mostly composed of water content serves to humidify the air coming in through the nose and heats or cools it to our body’s temperature so that our lungs receive air that has enough humidity not to dry them and has been regulated to our temperature so we do not lose or gain excessive heat in various climates.

The turbinates may become enlarged under certain conditions and cause an obstruction of our nasal breathing.

conditions that make cause the turbinates to enlarge include:

  • Allergies
  • inflammation from a cold or sinus infection
  • septal deviation
  • Certain medications
  • Hormonal changes most commonly pregnancy (the reason why during pregnancy women feel more congested)


Dr. Tal Dagan performs a special procedure to reduce the size of the turbinate using a wand that emits plasma energy as it gently removes some of the soft tissue form the center of the turbinate while preserving its function to prevent nasal dryness after the procedure. This procedure is also called turbinectomy.

The procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia depending on whether it is combined with other procedures on the nose like septoplasty.

After the procedure there is some minimal discomfort inside the nose for 3-4 days and there may be crusting (boogers) for 3-4 weeks after the procedure. There is minimal downtime from the procedure (2-3 days).


Chronic Sinusitis (click the link to learn more)